6,000 Steps: Morning Walk with God

By: Kim Anthony


The Name

The reason I call this blog 6,000 Steps is because most of its content will be transcribed from voice to text, during the 6,000 steps I take on my morning walks with God.

It is my absolute favorite time of the day!

I pray, worship and bring my thoughts, issues, and struggles to my heavenly Father. I love to get started early in the morning, when most of the neighborhood is still asleep.  There’s a level of peace during this time, that I don’t experience any other part of the day.

Another Blog?

How many times have I started a blog? I can’t even tell you.

I do know that I’ve done so multiple times on different platforms. But, I haven’t been able to stick with it because…well…in my mind, I have too many other responsibilities.

Yet, blogging is one of those things I’ve wanted to do on a regular basis for so long.  But if it’s really that important to me, which it is, then I need to make some changes.

I need a new approach. Clearly, my desire is not matching my effort. Instead of prioritizing, I have allowed every other interruption and task on my "To Do" list to override my goal.

As I’m “typing” this, I think I am beginning to realize why I can’t seem to commit.  

I love to write. Writing, for me, is therapeutic.

I have countless journals filled from cover to cover. However, what I think is happening is that I have been trying to take something I enjoy and perfect it for public consumption.

With this approach, instead of my writing consisting of free flowing thoughts from my heart, it becomes just another assignment with the pressure to have just the right words, just the right topic, and just the right writing style. The mere thought of this paralyzes my pen.

As choose to live my life Fearless and Full of Faith, I think I’m going to step out of my norm and just do this blog as a public journal of my messy, impulsive, random, imperfect and “out there,” kind of life.

I’m no longer going to blog because someone said I should do it. I’m going to blog for the sheer joy of it! No rules. No formulas. Just me.

6,000 Steps is about my random thoughts, self-discovery, "Aha!" moments, and any other topic that may happen to peak my interest during my morning walks with God. So follow me at the risk of seeing well put together thoughts on some days and random musings on others. Whichever it is, I hope you enjoy the journey of a work in progress.

Life is short. You never know how many days you have left on this earth.

And honestly, I don’t want to spend the latter days of my life trying to be perfect all the time, trying to please everyone, and stressing myself out over blog content. Ha! Was that too raw?
That said, I invite you to follow 6,000 Steps and take glimpses into my life as I just do me…messiness and all.

Kim Anthony