Is it Time to Give Yourself Permission?

In February, we hosted the All-Star Moms Champion Outreach and I got the honor of spending the morning with 50 women from the Charlotte, N.C. community, who are either in the midst of overcoming or have already overcome some very Unfavorable Odds. They are single moms who face the daily challenges of raising their children alone. Some are homeless and others have been able to purchase a home for the very first time. The two extremes and those in between came together to be encouraged and to encourage one another.

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Kim Anthony Comments
Lessons from a Friend

On January 10, 2018, I posted this photo of a bangle a dear friend had given to me that day. The inscription reads “Let your faith be greater than your fear.” Along with this gift came an invitation to become one of the Fearless Friends who would walk with her as she journeyed through her second battle with cancer.

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Kim Anthony Comments
2018 Recap: Fear Can Be Deceptive

As I’ve made my way through these 365 days, there were several times, when I allowed my fear to rule my decisions. The thing is, in those moments, I didn’t even realize I was following fear…I guess it’s possible for us to operate in fear for so long that we don’t even know it’s happening. Fear can be deceptive.

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6,000 Steps: Morning Walk with God

The reason I call this blog 6,000 Steps is because most of its content will be transcribed from voice to text, during the 6,000 steps I take on my morning walks with God.

It is my absolute favorite time of the day!

I pray, worship and bring my thoughts, issues, and struggles to my heavenly Father. I love to get started early in the morning, when most of the neighborhood is still asleep.  There’s a level of peace during this time, that I don’t experience any other part of the day.

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Kim Anthony
Living Fearless and Full of Faith

I just finished my first week of living Fearless and Full of Faith. When I looked back over these first few days, I realized that I was actually able to step into this challenge on day one! Before I continue, I need to let you know that over the years there has been a disconnect between the way I am with close friends and family and the way I carry myself publicly.

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Kim Anthony
2018: Fearless and Full of Faith

I have determined that in 2018, I will choose to live my life Fearlessly and Full of Faith.

I will:
ake more risks and spend less time playing it safe.
ctivate my belief by taking action.
ive out my dreams instead of just dreaming about them.
eep persevering, even when obstacles arise.

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Kim Anthony
Accepting the Reality of a Devastating Loss

Journaling has always been therapeutic for me.  But I have written very little about the most devastating thing that has happened to me in my 49 years of life.  I think it’s because I didn’t want to believe it was real.  I didn’t want it to be true; the loss of the most important woman in my life.

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Kim Anthony